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Juan Ramos
Big D For Disco
Juan Ramos is back on BLESSYOU for another round of club specialised tracks. Starting off at a solid 126BPM on the A side, "D2" comes in with a threatening drive bound to cause ruckus on the floor, tripped out vocals used in percussive manner, gung ho drum samples intertwined with a very motivated bass line. "D3" takes a less synthetic turn with the presence of strings and congas juxtaposed with euphoric female vocals. "Collide" slows down and dives into more industrial sounds but could also very well be the background soundtrack to a leather daddy belly dancing instructional video. Overall a pieced up melange of precisely placed elements, reflections of his deepened experiences on Berlin club floors over the last decade, an effortless display of his studio prowess is well at work. No regrets. Mixed by his "Green Vision" project partner in crime, Trent.